
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Painted Faux Batik

This is a project sample for a 7th grade painted faux batik project I'm beginning in a couple days. The process contains main layers of tempera paint and a final layer of india ink. Many steps but the final product is very impressive. The technique was taught to me from my cooperating teacher, he has been doing this process for years with amazing results every time. Im focusing the subject matter by having my students find their power animal and depict that animal in paint.
Step by Step Process:
 1) Sketch out drawing on Bogus paper with pencil.
2) Go over pencil lines with white chalk. Where every there is chalk india ink will be absorbed in the paper for the final step.
3) Paint first layer making sure to leave chalk areas untouched. Begin with darkest color.
4)Paint second and third layers gradually making lighter and lighter. Make sure each layer is completely dry before adding another layer.
5) Paint a wash of india ink over the whole surface and let dry.
6) Place inked paper on board and place under running water constantly moving and rotating. (this part goes faster than you think!)
7) Let dry on a board slanting it slightly so water doesn't pool.


  1. I do like the texture quality of this project.
    How many sessions did you use to complete this project?

  2. Thanks for sharing! Very cool!
