
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Surreal Magazine Collages

This week the 7th graders at the Middle School I'm currently student teaching at began a surreal landscape and figure collage. They find elements in a magazine and cut them out to compile a composition. This is a project that my cooperating teacher has done for years and I thought it would be a humorous starting point for the quarter. This image above is my project sample and i hope to post student work next week!


  1. I'm doing a similar project with my 4th graders. We watched a great video "Get Surreal with Salvador Dali" available to educators FOR FREE - no kidding! - from the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg Florida. I gave the details of how to get the video in a recent post. The kids LOVE this video and learn so much from it.

  2. Fantastic! Your student have really known the Surrealism!
