
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Waiting for Superman

Now that my student teaching is complete I have more time on my hands. With this time one day I was loading up my Netfilx queue and ran across this documentary. Watched it last night and was truly moved. The documentary focuses on the failing public school system, specifically in urban communities, and the alternative options parents and students have to bypass these public schools in their neighborhoods. If anyone has seen this documentary or decides to watch it within the next couple weeks please let me know your thoughts, reactions, and opinions.


  1. It's gotten controversial reactions around here, especially regarding charter schools, but I haven't seen it yet. I'll put it on my Netflix queue and let you know whenwe watch it.

  2. It's coming in the mail. I'm watching this weekend.

  3. Oh my goodness! I am inspired to be the best teacher that I can be. Not for me, but for the students. This movie truly moved me. I hope all will see it!

  4. Hey Katie, check out the reactions from this documentary on Wisconsin and our current situation!

  5. ooh, I'm looking it up, thanks for the suggestion.

  6. I've heard about this since the summer maybe? and have put up the trailer on my blog a couple months ago.... currently in my queue (what a weird spelling word?)- can't wait!
