
Friday, October 28, 2011

Sumi-e Books

This sumi-e painting project took three class periods to paint and one to assemble. We read "Zen Shorts" and talked about how making art can relax you and is about making mistakes and trying again (very zen). We actually did some deep breathing "meditation" exercises which they actually seemed to enjoy!  

Once all of our painting were created (about 10-12 total on cheap brown craft paper) students cut and pasted them into an accordion book!

I love the uniqueness in each one, especially the different personalities the pandas seem to have.


  1. nice to see these - i am just starting my Japan unit with 2nd grade - always looking to freshen up my plans!

  2. I'm in the same boat as you are! This is my second year of teaching, hustling and bustling, learning new things every day. Love your blog!!!

  3. I love that you made books from these!
