
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Frank Big Bear Drawings

Frank Big Bear is Minneapolis based artist born and raised in minnesota. I introduced his surreal style of portraiture to my 6th grade students and we talked about creating 5 scale values with various colored pencils. Most turned out very well and the students then organized a mini art show with posters telling the school about where the pictures would be hanging up in the hall. I also took in-progress photos through out the making process and created a time lapse slideshow of some selected students. If i can figure out how to post the slideshow I will in the next couple days. Here is a great link to a video where Frank Big Bear talks about his work.


  1. These turned out great!!! You did a lovely job teaching it!

  2. thank you! that is nice to hear. Im teaching a similar lesson to my high school students and it is interesting to see how different age groups react to similar objectives. My little student teaching experiment:)

  3. Katie, these are amazing! I absolutely love, love, love them! Excellent! Will definitely use this with my Year 6 students. I hope you don't mind. Anna

  4. Hello,
    Am I able to view these drawings somewhere? I am sure Frank would love to see them as well. Have you invited him to see them? Thanks, Fawn.

  5. Hello, I apologize if this is posted several times, i am attempting to communicate on this blog. Has Frank seen these pictures? Are these pictures hanging at a local school? Thanks, Fawn
