
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Zentangle (The Sophisticated Doodle)

My Drawing I students were given a challenge to create a Zentangle doodle on a small 6"x6" square. First we did some exploring in our sketchbooks and then moved onto some larger test samples. I showed them some professional examples of the Zentangle and we discussed the group of people that the Zentangle trend has gathered. This lesson would also work very well in an elementary setting if the content was focused more on creating a variety of lines, textures, and shades. In the end this project produced some fun results and the students really responded well to the challenge and the freedom it offered. 


  1. Very Nice! What age group did you do these with?

  2. This was a high school drawing one class with a mix if 9th-12th graders. In elementary it could be adapted by just creating a variety of shapes that overlap and then filling in those shapes with lines, textures, patterns, etc.!

  3. I just completed grad school and will be a first time art teacher starting in the fall. I just stumbled upon your website as I am starting my planning. This is a great lesson for introducing line, although I am elementary it is easily adaptable for elementary. This is also a great way for displaying the artworks around the school!
